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Saturday 16 June 2018

Reality of Hajj Everything Makes Tawaf (Circumambulation)

Entering to Makkah al Mukarramah

Haking a bath is desirable for a pilgrim to enter the holy city of Makkah. Entering to the Sacred Mosque through the gate called 'Bab As-Salam' is also a Sunnah. On seeing the holy Ka'aba, it is 'Sunna'(desirable action) to stop his walk and supplicate to Allah for His bounties. Then he should directly proceed to the Black Stone, kiss it quietly, put forehead on it, touch it with his hand. If this is not possible and cannot reach the Black Stone, one may just point toward it with his right hand from a distance and kiss it. These actions are recommended before and after Thawaf and at the beginning of each round.
The Thawaf

In accordance with the Hajj or Umrah rituals there are three types of Thawaf named as
(1) Tawaf-ul-Qudum; the voluntary Thawaf performed by those who come out of holy Makkah, when they enter the sacred Mosque as a gift to holy Ka'ba.
(2) Thawaf-ul-ifada; the essential part of Hajj. It can be performed after the midnight of 10th Dulhijja.
(3) Thawaf-ul-wada'; the Thawaf performed before leaving holy Makkah as a farewell. Performing thawaf is a desirable action at any time and it is a 'Thahiyyath' to the Sacred Mosque. The Thawaf of the Sacred House consists of making seven circuits around it. Each circuit must be begun at the Black Stone. Chanting Thakbeer with the name of Allah (saying Bismillahi Allahu Akbar), is Sunnah at the beginning of each circuit. If the Muhrim (a person in the state of Ihram) is able to do so, he might kiss the Black Stone with his lips or alternatively, he can wipe over the Black Stone with his hands or any other object and then kiss that object or if the crowds are too heavy, merely pointing in its direction with his right hand and kissing it is sufficient. Do not oppress or cause harm to those around you in your attempt to kiss or touch the Black Stone. There is no specific statement or supplication legislated to be said during each circuit. Make du'aa from your heart, for that which will benefit you. Recite whatever you wish from Qur'an, supplicate to Allah by asking for good, and utter dhikr (glorificaton) of Allah. The completion of seven circuits means you have completed the Thawaaf. The first three circuits are performed as "Ramal", i.e. taking short quick steps, not running with long strides. The remaining four circuits are completed by walking at your normal pace. When beginning the Thawaf, the Muhrim should adjust his Ridaa (top piece of fabric) by lowering the right side under his right armpit and throwing the end over his left shoulder, thus exposing his right shoulder. This manner of wearing the Ridaa and walking "Ramal" in the first three circuits is recommended only for the Thawaf that precedes with sa'i and the sa'i. From the time the Muhrim puts on his Ihram garments at the Meeqaath until he reaches holy Makkah and is about to begin his Thawaaf, he should wear his Ridaa covering both shoulders. It is also recommended in every round to touch and kiss the Yemeni Corner (The Southwestern Corner) or rise up his hand toward it and kiss it. When the Thawaaf is completed, with all of its components, the Muhrim goes to the Station of Prophet Ibrahim (A) in compliance with the command of Almighty Allah "And take the Station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer" (Qur'an 2:125). ), where he performs a two-rak'aath prayer of Thawaaf. From here, the Muhrim drinks the water of Zam- Zam until he fills his stomach completely and also pours it over his body. Verily, Zam-Zam water is not only a nutrient, but it is also a cure from disease.

Conditions of Thawaf
(1) To be clean from major and minor ritual impurities
(2) To be clean the body, cloth and place from filth
(3) To hide the intimate parts from navel to knee for men and all the body of women except the face and hand
(4) Intention (when performing Thawaf not along with Hajj or Umrah)
(5) Starting from Blackstone
(6) Walking in between Safa and Marwa (Sa'e)
(7) Making the left part of the body always to holy Ka'ba
(8) Assuring eight rounds
(9) To be performed from inside the Sacred Mosque
(10) To become his entire body outside of the holy Ka'aba.