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Friday 8 June 2018


While leaving the blessed month of Ramadan from us, the eagerness of the believers for offering devotional service and attaining spiritual excellence was not yet satiated, the call rising from their hearts still demanded “More, can I have more of Ramadan”, and even the commoners were becoming increasingly attached to fasting that the moon of the next month rises in the sky. The delightful days and fragrant nights are coming to an end. The month of  salvation, mercy, compassion, repentance, Tharaweeh, Prayers and fasting going to leave us. With it the month of Ramadan bids farewell to Muslims with a promise to come again next year.  It is the time we must take a look at our efforts we made through. As well, it is the time to make a decision how to stay steadfast and live after Ramadan. In deed, here are some questions to be asked to our own selves. 

We must do a thorough introspection as to what and how much we gained during these blessed days? What was the level of sincerity in our prayers and actions? As sincerity of intention, that it’s only for Allah’s pleasure, is necessary for acceptance of a deed. Have we fulfilled the requirements of piety (Thaqwa) and developed God-fearing?  To gain piety is the main objective of this 30 days training, Ramadan. While fasting, we don’t eat ,drink, refrain from forbidden things, even when no one is there to watch us, because we know our Allah is seeing us every where. This develops and should develop in us God fearing (Thaqwa) that, we even after Ramadan, all our life long, never do evil deeds, as no human might be there to watch us, but Allah always keep an eye on us, what we are doing or even thinking to do. Have we left one or all of our sinful habits for ever? Have we become successful in crushing the undying and lusty desires of our body? Have we fought our souls and desires and defeated them? As Satan was chained during Ramadan, so whatever wrong we did, we should blame our own selves.  Do we see the love of Allah increased and the love of worldly things decreased in our heart? Indeed we should thank Allah if our answers are positive. Thank Him for enabling us to make the prayers and keep fast. 

There was a painter who decided to make a marvel. He started painting that picture from dawn to dusk. For days and days he thought and pondered, changed and amended, his picture was getting into a masterpiece of all times. One morning, when he was to give a finishing touch to that marvelous painting, he somehow or someone’s suggestion poured some water over it. Everything was washed away nothing visible or lovely. Instead of that painting, there was more of a horrible and dreadful remainder. The one who suggested became happy, as he wanted the same. So is the case with a Muslim who strives hard for the whole of a month, Ramadan, to become a true human being, a true Muslim but at the very onset of Shawwal we see him, letting go all what reward he accumulated throughout the month, because of Satan’s suggestions. So, we should beware, as Stan is set free again to mislead us, soon after Ramadan, with new zeal and enthusiasm.

Soon after the end of Ramadan, a few of people leave the five prayers in congregation, even leaving obligatory ones. Women neglect the prayers until they become Qaza,. Return with a bang to the forbidden musical entertainment, filthy songs are played aloud over the streets. Return to the depraved forbidden films, dirty TV channels and all nasty stuff. 

Deliberately, time and money is spent against the commands of Allah. Thus, they demolish what they had constructed and destroy what they have established. This is an indication of deprivation. Is this the result of the practice of 30 days? Is this what Allah requires of us after a training of 30 days? Is this what we are going to show our Lord on the day of Eid?  Is this the way we thank our Lord for letting us go through all those blessed days and nights?  Are we making Allah happy or Satan? 

Definitely, this is not a way for showing our thankfulness towards His blessings and favors. As like, it is not a sign of accepting one's actions, rather this is opposition to favors and absence of thankfulness. 

Anyone who truly fasts rejoices on the occasion of `Eid, praises his Lord for helping him complete the fast, and remains fearful that Allah may not accept his fasting, just as the predecessors would continue asking for acceptance of their actions in Ramadan. 

We can make out the acceptance of one’s deeds through his/her improvement in expressing obedience to Allah. “And remember when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]…” [Ibrahim, 7]. 

Thankfulness is leaving sins. Who do so is increased in good, faith and righteous actions. So if the servant is truly thankful to his Lord, you will see him guided to more obedience and distanced from sinfulness. The Companion, Wahab bin Munabbih (May Allah please with him) said that when Eid comes Satan starts weeping loudly (as he was chained during Ramadan, so he couldn’t mislead people and gets rescued on night of Eid). Looking at his nervousness, all devils gather together and ask, “O master! Why are you mad and sad! “He replies, “It is sad! Allah has forgiven the followers of Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) on this day. 

Satan orders his pupils that: you distract the Muslims by keeping them after their selfish worldly desires. He urges that we do such evil deeds that destroy all good we have gathered in Ramadan. Ah! Nowadays Satan looks very successful in this attack of his. 

Aysha (R) said: "I asked the Messenger of Allah concerning the ayah: 'And the one who give what they give and their hearts tremble with fear.' Are they the ones who drink alcohol and steal?" He said: "No, o daughter of as-Siddeeq. Rather, they are the ones who fast and pray and give in charity yet fear that it won't be accepted from them. They are the ones who rush to do good deeds and they are the first to do them" [Thurmudi 3/79-80]. 

Righteous actions are for all times and all places, so let’s strive and beware of laziness. And guard our obligatory actions, not delaying them, such as the five daily prayers, in congregation etc. 

Abstaining from these evils is only through the grace and help of Allah. "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower" (3:8).Moosa Sonkal

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