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Tuesday 22 March 2016


Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian medical doctor now doing works of comparative religion, who used to tell that he came to this field through the inspiration of Shaykh Deedat and he himself called as a student of Shaykh Deedat. But he did not learn fully from Shaykh Deedat. But he copied all the comparative religious works of Shaykh Deedat and presented the same in his lectures as his own. 

Dr. Zakir Naik is a Wahabi. That is, his aqeedah (concepts) are contradictory to the mainstream Islam, that is, righteous path called “Sunni Islam” or “Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah”.

According to Zakir Naik, Milad un Nabi is shirk, Madhabs are bi’dah, Waseela is shirk. Once during his lecture he praised Yazeed as RadhiAllahu Anhu. Yazeed is the person who killed our beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam’s grandson Imam Hussain RadhiAllahu Anhu. Then the Ulama (Scholars) from India and Pakistan indicated his incorrectness. Then to demonstrate his wrong concept as correct, he misquoted a hadith from Sahih al Bukhari and was caught. Watch that video here Zakir Naik misquotes Sahih al Bukhari hadith.

Likewise, he said there are 25 verses in Al Quran which rejects waseela. But when it was asked from him by a Sunni alim face to face, he fails to answer and escaped from there. Watch that video here Zakir Naik fails to answer about Waseela and escaping. Likewise, there are many aqeedah issues which show that Zakir Naik does not follow the correct Islamic theology.

While Shaykh Ahmed Deedat says that he celebrates Milad un Nabi, Zakir Naik said celebrating Milad un Nabi is Shirk. Through this position, it is very clear about the aqeedah (theology) of both of them. Watch the video Deedat Vs. Zakir Naik about Meelad un Nabi here.

However, today Wahabbis tend to give the image that Shaykh Deedat was one of them. They did that throughout his life and even now by playing his lectures on Peace TV. But in reality he was not one of them.

In 1996, Ahmed Deedat suffered a stroke which left him paralysed from the neck down and Shaykh Hisham kabbani visited him in South Africa. In 2005, he passed away at the age of 87 in South Africa. May Allah bless him.

Dear Muslim brothers & sisters, always be aware of the truth and fake. It always should be remembered that Imaan is the base of Islam. In other words, aqeedah (Theology) is the base of Islam. A person can pretend that he is so serving the Muslim society. But if he does not possess the correct Islamic faith, whatever he does, will be useless. That is why, We, Muslims consider sects like Shia, Qadiyani and Wahabi are as misguided groups.

May Allah protect our Muslim nation from all the misguided groups and guide us in the righteous path of our Prophet sallallahu alahiwasallam.

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