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Sunday 29 November 2015

A glance on Prophet’s Biography

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) was born in holy Makkah, the famous city of Hijaz on Monday, 12th Rabi al-Awwal (21 April in the year 571 AD).
The Arabs are the descendants of Ismail son of Ibrahim (Peace be upon them). The tribe of Quraysh was considered as the noblest section of the Arabs and Hashim was a popular branch of the tribe of Quraysh. Muhammad (PBH) was born in the clan of Hashim as the son of Abdullah and Aminah.  Abdullah is the son of Abdul Muthalib.  Aminah is the daughter of Wahab, the chief of the family of Banu Zuhrah. 
When Amina conceived Muhammad …, she had an unusual dream.  She was told that the child in her womb was the best of the mankind and he was to be named Muhammad. 

As a blessing of Allah, the Almighty, she did not feel any fatigue that women usually feel during pregnancy. 

He was born circumcised 12th Rabi al-Awwal is celebrated by Muslim world as Milad Sharif.  
His father passed away seven months before his birth.  His grandfather Abdul Muthalib was overjoyed at the birth of his grandson, took the child in his hands, went to Holy Ka’bah and called him Muhammad.  He thanked the Lord of Ka’abah and sacrificed an animal on 7th day of his birth. 

The childhood days of the prophet … were eventful.  He was breastfed first by his mother Amina (May Allah Please upon her).  Then wetnurses were chosen.  Thuwaibath-al-Aslamiyya was the first one.  Haleema Saadiyyah ((May Allah Please upon her) was the second. 

It was the custom of the nobles of Makkah in those days to confide their children to wetnurses during the early infancy.  Accordingly Muhammad… was confided to Haleema.  The intention of this was to get a chance for the children to grow in a free and healthy atmosphere. 
Haleema narrated that after she took him, she got all kinds of blessings.  Her herd became fat and multiplied and everything around her seemed to prosper. 
After two years of breastfeeding, Haleema took the child to the mother.  The departure was painful.  But Haleema was very happy when Amina allowed her to take the child back again with her till he was four. 
During his stay with Haleema a miraculous event occurred.  The child and Damrah Haleema’s son were grazing the herd.  Two men dresses in white came up to him.  They laid him down, opened his chest and took out his heart and cleaned it.  Then it was restored to its former place.  Soon after this event, Haleema took the child to Makkah and returned him to his mother. 

When he was six years old the prophet… lost his mother Amina.  On her return trip from Madeena she fell ill and passed away at a place called ‘Abawa’.  He had lost his father before his birth.  Thus he became doubly orphaned.  After his mother’s death he was looked after by his grand father Abdul Muthalib.  He too died after two years when the prophet was eight years old.  Then he was taken care of by his uncle Abuthalib.
Muhammad…was honest, gentle and kind hearted. He would not talk unnecessarily.  He was truthful in words and deeds.  He was respectful towards his elders.  He was a well wisher and helper of the poor and the downtrodden. Due to his honesty and truthfulness people called him as ‘Al-Ameen’ (the honest). He was often appointed as the arbiter in case a dispute arose among his people.
He had a trip to Sham with his uncle Abuthalib when he was twelve years old.  During this journey he was met by a Christian priest called Bahira.  This priest could find from the signs mentioned in the old scriptures that this boy was none other than the promised prophet.  He asked Abuthalib to be vigilant about the enemies.
The prophet … had a trade trip to Sham with the merchandise of Khadeejah when he was twenty five years old.  He was accompanied by Maysarath, the slave of Khadeejah.  The latter was surprised to see Muhammad … always under the shade of a cloud in the hot sun.  The trade trip was a great success.  When Khadeejah heard of Muhammad’s honesty and gentleness she was very much impressed and expressed her desire to marry him.  The arrangement for the marriage was made by the elders of both the families.  Thus at the age of twenty five he married Khadeejah, a widow who was 15 years older than him. 

Relation with holy Madeena
The heart of every Muslim is intimately connected with holy Madeena as it is the place where the prophet Muhammad (PBH) got warm welcome. It is where the symbol of mercy and compassion is resting. It is the place where the first Islamic Republic had its birth.
In the 10th year of prophet hood, Khadeeja, the wife of the prophet and Abuthalib, his uncle passed away. These two deaths were a great blow to the prophet.  While Khadeeja supported him morally and financially the moral support of Abuthalib was valuable to him .Their absence encouraged the enemies of the prophet to increase their hostile attitude towards him and his supporters.
In this difficult situation, prophet (PBH) took a secret trip to Taif where he sought the tribe of … after calling them to Islam. His hope was shattered when they sent their servants and some street boys to throw him out of the city. He thus returned to holy Makkah.
Islam gradually started spreading. The leaders of Quraish were convinced that this movement could not be suppressed. So they took a decision at Dar-al-Nadwa to kill the prophet. They selected some bold and influential men to execute their decision. They surrounded the house of the prophet at night. But with the help of Allah, the Almighty, he miraculously escaped leaving his cousin Ali on his bed.  He migrated to Madinah, accompanied by his intimate friend Abubacker (May Allah Please with him).
The people of Madeena accorded him a warm welcome. They helped him in every possible way. Hence they are called helpers (Ansar).  Now people entered the fold of Islam in large numbers. The first Islamic republic came into existence. Prophet (PBH) lived in holy Madeena for ten years. At the age of 63 he passed to the eternal Mercy of Almighty at Madeena and was buried there.

Charming Features
The Prophet (PBH) is the best among the creation of the Almighty Allah. This can be seen in everything connected with the prophet: in his nature, behavior, dealings, the way of talking and preaching, his treatment of friends and foes etc.
He was most handsome. He was neither tall nor short but very moderate. He was fair with reddish shade, very healthy and lively – a man with charming nature.
The poet is most absolutely true when he says “Muhammad a man not like (an ordinary) man; sapphire is a stone, not like (an ordinary) stone”. He was known as ‘Al-Ameen’ (the honest). He didn’t speak unnecessarily. He was very kind not only to human beings but also to all creatures.
He was extraordinary in many things. He could see and hear what others couldn’t. He saw the angle Jibreel (Peace be upon him) and heard his voice in the presence of others who could see our hear him.
He liked sweet smell and his sweat itself was sweet smelling. The blessing of Almighty could be seen in everything connected with Muhammad (PBH).  He is truly the gift of Allah to humanity.

Prophet Hood
There are references about the last prophet Muhammad (PBH) in the revealed Books including Taurat and Injeel. The people of the Books turned their attention to holy Makkah as they knew it to be the birth place of last prophet. There were some important events that occurred just before the birth of prophet which attracted the attention of the people of Makkah.
The digging of the Zamzam by prophet’s grand father Abdul Muthalib was one among them. Zamzam was submerged under the earth. In course of time nobody knew its exact place. In a dream Abdul Muthalib was informed of its exact location.  He redigged it.
The second event was the destruction of the army of Abrahat, the king of Yemen. He came to attack holy Ka’bah with a huge army headed by elephants. Allah destroyed them by seconding a large number of small birds called ‘Ababeel’. It was on the 51st day of this event that the prophet was born in Makkah.
When he was twelve years old he accompanied his uncle Abutalib to ‘Sham’. During this journey a Christian priest called Baheera recognized him by the signs mentioned in Taurat and Injeel. During the second journey to Sham when he was 25 years old, Nastura, another priest recognized him as the last prophet. It was the glad news in the old scriptures that led them to recognize him.

The holy migration
The prophet preached Islam in Makkah for 13 years. Out of these 13years, the first three years were the period of secret activities. He contacted people in ones, twos and small groups. He met people in market places and festivals. As a result of his hard work in the preaching of the message of Allah six people from holy Madeena embraced Islam in 11th year of prophet hood.  In the following year 12 people came into the fold Islam. These Muslims from holy Madeena worked hard in the path of Allah and the number of believers increased considerably. In the 13th year of prophet hood 75 men and 2 women embraced Islam. They secretly came to the prophet; pledged that they would protect him, if he came to holy Madeena. This pledge occurred at a place called ‘Jamrathul Aquabah’.
The news reached his enemies in Makkah and they became more aggressive to Muslims. When their torture became beyond endurance, the prophet permitted his followers to migrate to holy Madeena. Most of the Muslims thus migrated to holy Madeena.
Within a few years Islam spread in Madeena.  It became a fertile land for Islam. This infuriated the leaders of Quraish and they assembled in Dar-ul Nadwa and decided to kill the prophet (PBH).  For this purpose they selected a few young men form all Quraish families and they surrounded the house of the prophet at night. Now Allah ordered prophet to set out to holy Madeena. Accordingly prophet asked his cousin, Ali-bin Abuthalib to sleep in his place. Then he threw a handful of dust reciting one of the verses from the sura ‘Yaseen’ and escaped from their midst miraculously. Only in the morning they came to know that Ali was the man who had been sleeping prophet’s place. They sent people to search for the prophet and offered valuable rewards to them who find him.
The prophet (PBH) and his companion Abubacker (May Allah Please upon him) reached the cave of ‘thaur’ and stayed there for 3 days.  When they realized that Quraysh stopped their search they continued the journey to holy Madeena. This journey of prophet (PBH) from holy Makkah to holy Madeena is known as ‘Hijra’. The people in Madeena were delighted and extended warm welcome to prophet and his companion.

The Muhajirs and Ansars
Prophet Muhammad (PBH) on his way to holy Madeena (from holy Makkah) first got down at Quba.  He constructed a mosque there.  This mosque is known as Masjid Quba. 
After staying a few days at Quba, prophet (PBH) moved to holy Madeena.  On his way he performed the first Jumua at the place of Banu Salam tribe.  He continued his journey.  Prophet’s (PBH) camel knelt down at a place where Masjidu Nabavi is now located.  Prophet (PBH) stayed in the nearby house of Abu Ayyub-ul-Ansari till the complete the word of mosque. 
The prominent tribes of holy Madeena Aw’s and Khazraj had been involved in constant clashes and fight with each other for more than 120 years.  They accepted Islam witch united them and made them friends.  They helped prophet and the refugees from Makkah.  Thus they were called Ansar (helpers).  The love and affection between Muhajir and Ansar were too strong.  The Ansar were competing with one another in helping Muhajirs. 
Muhajir and Ansar are important disciples of prophet (PBH) (Ashab).  The Muslim associate of the Prophet is called Sahabis.  They are all truthful and trustworthy.  Those who blame Sahabis are deviated from the truth. 
One should say ‘Radiyallahu Anhu’ when he hears the name of a Companion.  The four Caliphs are the most important among the Companions of our beloved Messenger (PBH). 

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