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Sunday 29 November 2015

The Historical Events in the Prophetic life

Battle of Bad’r
The people of Quraish confiscated the properties of the refugees from Makkah and were preparing for a battle against the Muslims of Madeena.  In this circumstance, it became inevitable for Muslims to weaken the financial position of the Quraish of Makkah.  The prophet turned his attention in this direction.
With this view, prophet along with 313 companions set out from holy Madeena.  They wanted to intercept Abu Sufyan, the leader of Quraish who was returning from a trade trip from Syria with huge merchandise.  Abu Sufyan knew about it and sought the help of Quraish from Makkah.  Consequently a group of 1000 soldiers equipped with all sorts of weapons started from Makkah under the leader ship of Abu Jahl.  As for Abu Sufyan, he escaped to Makkah along some other route.  .
Muslims and the Quraysh met at Bad’ar.  The Muslims were ill-equipped.  But with the help of Allah Almighty, they won the battle.  While Quraysh lost seventy of their men and the same number help hostage by Muslims, the number of martyrs (Shuhada) was only fourteen. 

The Prophet and his followers returned to holy Madeena, with huge spoils of war (Ghaneemath).  The battle of Bad’r strengthened Islam and Muslims.  It took place on the 17th of Ramadan in the second year of Hijra. 

The Triumph of holy Makkah
The battle of Uhd and Khandaq took place in the 3rd and 5th year of Hijra respectively.  Prophet … accompanied by 1500 companions set out for Makkah to perform ‘Umrah’ in the 6th year of Hijra.  Quraysh were prepared to prevent them.  Prophet … halted at a place called Hudaibiya.  He sent Uthman (May Allah Please with him) to Makkah with a massage that prophet and his companions were coming to Makkah not for battle but for performing Umrah.  The Quraish detained Uthman (May Allah Please with him).  Soon a rumor spread that Uthman was killed. 
It was at this critical moment that the companions of the prophet made a pledge with him that they would fight the enemies till death.  This pledge is known as ‘Baiath Ridwan’.

Now the Quraysh realized the gravity of the situation and were ready to come to terms with prophet.  At last, two sides reached at an agreement.  This is known as ‘Sulhul Hudaibiya’ (the Treaty of Hudaibiya).

The most important conditions stipulated in the treaty were as follows:
1. There should be no battle between them for ten years. 
2. Those believers who come from holy Makkah
    to holy Madeena should be sent back. 3. Those who come from holy Madeena to Makkah will not be sent back. . 
    4. The tribes are free to enter into alliance either with the Quraysh or with Muslims. 
    5. Muslims should return this year to holy Madeena and they should be permitted in the following year to visit Makkah and to remain there for three days.
    When the Quraish violated the treaty of Hudaibiya, prophet along with 10,000 followers started from holy Madeena to holy Makkah.  This was in the 8th year of Hijra during the month of Ramadan. 
    Without much resistance Makkah came under the prophet and later he pardoned his enemies.  He cleaned the Ka’aba and surrounding by removing about 360 idols.  Hazrath Bilal (May Allah Please with him) climbed on the top of Ka’aba and called the believers to prayer (Adan).  The voice of ‘Thauheed’ reverberated through the air and the people of holy Makkah came to the fold of Islam in large numbers.  Muslims were extremely happy with the success of Islam.  This is known as ‘Fathh Makkah’ (the conquest of Makkah).

    Farewell Hajj
    Prophet … traveled to holy Makkah from holy Madeena in the 10th year of Hijra for performing Hajj.  More than one hundred thousand followers also performed Hajj with him.  Prophet … taught them all the ritual of Hajj. 
    Prophet … delivered a significant historical speech at Arafa.  He instructed us about many things that we should never forget. 
    “Oh people, Listen to me attentively.  After this year I may not face you in this place”.  He started his speech.  The prophet concluded his speech by saying “Those who are present here should convey his message to those who are absent”.  This was a farewell speech.  That is why this Hajj is called Hajjathul Wadaa. 

    With Hajjathul Wadaa, Islam attained perfection.  Almighty Allah invited prophet … to Rafeequl Aa’la.  Prophet … caught by fever in the last week of Safar.  When the illness got worsened, he moved to the house of Aysha (May Allah Please with her).  He was not in a position to go to mosque and so he asked Aboobacker Siddique to be the Imam in the congregational prayer.  Prophet’s absence was felt very deeply and his disciples were in tears.  When their sorrow knew no bounds, prophet came to the mosque supported by two of his companions and sat on the first step of the Mimbar and made a speech to console them. 
    Prophet … left this world forever on Monday 12th Rabi al-Awwal in the 11th year of Hijra. 

    The companions of the prophet plunged in deep sorrow.  All of them were in tears.  Some of them could not even believe prophet’s demise.  Abubacker (May Allah Please with him) was elected as the first Caliph.  Prophet… was bathed; his body was covered in white cloth. People came in groups and prayed.  He was buried in the same spot where he took his last breath.  This is the most sacred place on the earth.  May Allah give us Thawfeeque to visit him (Aameen)

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