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Wednesday 2 December 2015

The Quranic revelation to the Prophet

 The Creation of Qur’an is induced by the pursuit of worldly ends as per the charge. But who could believe having truth in this naked lie.

   They should analyze the evolutions of Prophet’s life after and before Prophet hood. Up to forty he was living with good settlement. After twenty-five it is very clear, because he was the husband of Khadija the daughter of Khuwailid, a leading business woman. It is more palpable than touching that Khadija supported him in every dot of life and it had lasting impact upon him so much that, even after her death he was intermittently recollecting her charities and caresses as to irritate Aysha, the daughter of Abu Baker Siddiq and the then wife of him. Moreover, he was well received, honored and welcomed by all natives.

   But, when he started reciting Qur’an all the convenience and comfort of life turned down. Suppose that Prophet made an experiment, but failed. Had it been so, he would have adopted another option, stopping Quranic business. But the more inflammable became the problems, the more vigorous he appeared. He was beaten, ridiculed, attacked, satired, excommunicated…His followers became the scapegoats of limitless tortures. Their fleshy bodies were dragged in the hot deserts of Arabia, torn into pieces; hot spear of iron was inserted in the vagina. Finally, they had to migrate to Abyssinia, where they had to spent three years, in that dry land, eating green leave, and drinking mere water.

   Towards the close of his life, everything was brought in favor of him. The majority of enemies became his obedient disciples. Still he didn’t sought worldly pleasures. He lived a simple life. He was poor in spite of plenty. He slept upon palm-leaves. He never took food at the point of satiation, never tasted intoxicants to make life happy. Aysha (May Allah Please with her) complaints that there had one or two months without cooking anything.

   He distressed being honored exceedingly. He gave what all the things in his hands, sans stories for the next day. He kindled the fire, milked goats, cobbled shoes, patched garments, and even cleaned the mat from dung with his own hands when a Jew, his guest, unknowingly did it while sleeping! When he died his armor was loaned to a Jew on behalf of getting some barely! Compare the condition of the supreme crown of twenty- dynasties with that of Roman king or Persian shah in that age or with minister in this age! Oh god! Enlighten the dark hearts of the blind Orientalists!

Not for fame

   It is meaningless to allege that Muhammad (Pease and Blessing of Allah be upon him) wrote Qur’an in order to get fame. Had it been so he could have had it by claiming that Qur’an is his creation? It was taken for granted by the Arabian public that Qur’an holds literary loftiness. The Arabs are giving much prominence for literary activities. Each tribe was boastful of having a child who expresses poetic instincts.

   But the verses Prophet recited echoed that they are divinely revelations: “Verily this is a revelation from the lord of the worlds” (Holy Qur’an 26:192). “(This is) the revelation of the book, in which there is no doubts from the lord of the worlds” (Holy Qur’an 32:2). “(it is revelation) sent down by (Him), the exalted in might, most merciful” (Holy Qur’an 36:5). “We have indeed revealed this (message) in the night of power” (Holy Qur’an 97:1). Muhammad if sought reputation, he could have used “my revelation” instead of revelation. But he didn’t.

Not for Power

   The western writers maintained that Muhammad conquered power with swords, while some believe that he wrote the Qur’an to dominate dynasties. If he had sought power, he could have had it the moment he started Islamic Propagation, because power, properties, fair woman, were offered by the leaders of Arabia, provided he wished. But refusing all these, Prophet warned them against evil activities and invited them to monotheism. It is true that, many dynasties have come under Islam. But nowhere did he act as King. He prohibited people from reputing him exceedingly. He addressed himself as the slave of ‘Allah’ and ‘servant’ of humanity. He never had a kingly posture. Even when he was the supreme authority of twenty empires, his place was a little hut built of palm leaf.
One day, Umar the second Caliph of Islamic Republic (May Allah Please with him) was moved to see his predicament. He burst into tears for he had seen the palaces of Roman king and Persian Shah, beneath which fountains were flowing. Prophet tried to make him understand the transience of this material world. It is offensive to impute power mania on such a simple man. Stanley Lane- Poole writes: ‘In his habits he was extremely simple, although he bestowed great care on his person. His eating and drinking, his dress and furniture retained, even when he has reached the fullness of power, their almost primitive nature…’(Stanley Lane- Poole, Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad, London, 1882).

Not a lie in the name of God

   It is absurd to suspect Prophet having lied in the name of God, without sufficient grounds. Instead, there are proper proofs which negate the least possibility of lying. Firstly, anybody, who makes a comparative study between Prophet’s biography and the contents of Qur’an, can assure that no illiterate man in the world can describe such things. Poets can imagine lavishly anything and everything. But, no mind can produce these much real facts and true description, especially in the ancient era of sixth century.
Prophet Muhammad never told lies. Up to forty nobody accused him having told it. Even the hostile enemy of Prophet, Abu Sufyan, openly declared Prophet’s honesty in the court of the king Hirqal(2). The contemporaries of Prophet, who witnessed each and every actions of Prophet’s life, were not even skeptical of lying. But some paid writers, after deep thoughts have discovered him lying, recently. Marmaduke Pikhal quetes Tor Andrea: ‘It is said that he was known by the epithet Al-Ameen, ‘the reliable’ and even if this designation does not seem to express the most apparent trait of Muhammad’s character, it does show that he had an unusual power of inspiring confidence’(Book Review of Muhammad).

   Long live the brain that could discover the fact that Prophet Muhammad could make believe the community of Arabia as he is Al-Ameen even while he was lying! Damned be Abu Sufiyan(3), the cruelest enemy of Prophet, who lied that Prophet lies not, in the Public hall of Hiraql’s palace!!

   (1) Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb was the foster-mother and wetnurse of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Halimah and her husband were from the tribe of Sa'd b. Bakr, a subdivision of Hawazin (a large North Arabian tribe or group of tribes). Other transliterations or versions of her name are Halimah bint Abdullah and Halimah As-Sa'diyah.

   (2) Flavius Heraclius Augustus known in English as Heraclius, or Herakleios; c. 575 - February 11, 641) was a Byzantine Emperor of Armenian origin, who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire. He was in power for over thirty years, from October 5, 610 to February 11, 641 and was the responsible for abandoning the use of Latin in favour of the Greek language in official documents, further Hellenizing the Empire. His rise to power began in 608, when he and his father, also named Heraclius, the viceregal Exarch of Africa, successfully led a revolt against the unpopular usurper Phocas. He was the first Emperor to engage the Muslims, and, in the Islamic world, he is seen as something of an ideal ruler who studied the Qur'an, was a true believer of Islam, and viewed Muhammad as the true prophet, the messenger of God.

   (3) Sakhr ibn Harb : more commonly known as Abu Sufyan (560-650), was a leading man of the Quraish of holy Makkah. He was a staunch opponent of the Arabian prophet Muhammad (PBH) before accepting Islam later in his life.


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