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Tuesday 15 May 2018

The blossoming of peace

The Arabic word, sawm, is the synonym of English word, fasting. Imam Razi(R) says: the linguistic meaning of the fasting is to avoid anything or abstain from it. The scholars united in the matter that the fasting of Ramadan is basically an obligatory one but others will not be the obligatory deeds. The fasting is a manner of worship (ibadath) which made obligatory to the Messengers from Adam (a) to our Messenger (Peace be upon him).The blessed month of Ramadan is very honorable. The rewards that are given for voluntary prayers (Nafl Prayers), supplications, alms and all other such worships done in this month are like those that are given for the obligatory ones in other months. One obligatory deed done in this month is like seventy obligatory deeds done in other months. 

If a person gives (the supper called) Iftar to a fasting person in this month, his sins will be forgiven. He will be emancipated from hell. In addition, he will be given as many rewards as those which the fasting person receives. The rewards of that fasting person will not decrease. In this month, also those bosses, who facilitate the work of those under their commands and who make it easy for them to worship, will be forgiven. They will be emancipated from the hell. In the holy month of Ramadan, The Messenger (peace be upon him) used to emancipate the slaves and would give whatever was asked from him. Those who can do good deeds in this month will be blessed with doing such deeds all the year round.
It is reported from Ibnu Umer (R): “the Prophet (PBH) says: The Islam was taken up on five matters 1: believe in firm that there is no any God without Allah for worshiping and chant it with his tongue. 2: perpetuate the five times prayer. 3: give the Zakath. 4: perform fasting in the month of Ramadan. 5: perform the Hajj.” Here, we could understand the fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. So, if a person disrespects this month and commits sins in this month, he will spend all the year sinning. That is why, we should deem this month an opportunity for performing the deeds which Allah likes. We should make this month an opportunity for earning the next world. 

The revelation of the holy verses 

In addition, we should find more times for reciting and thinking on the holy verses. Because the Ramadan is the month on which the Qur’an descended and we are actually celebrating the revelation of the holy Quran.

Almighty Allah says: “The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (between right and wrong). So whosoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan), he must observe Sawm (fasts) that month” (Al-Baqarah 2: 185). 

This verse establishes the link between Ramadan and the Qur’an. We know that the Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) was in the habit of retreating to Mount Hira during Ramadan and it was during one of these periods of meditation that the angel Gibriel (A) appeared to him with the first revelation. So, Ramadan marks the beginning of the call to Islam and the prophetic mission of Muhammad (PBH). 

When we offer our Tharaweeh prayers, it is recommended that over the course of the month, the whole Quran should be completed. This presents a great opportunity for those who haven’t read the whole Quran to hear it. 

We can understand from the Hadiths and writings of scholars that here the voluntary fasting too other than the obligatory one. The following Hadith indicates to it: “once a Bedouin came to the Prophet (PBH) and asked him about the matters of Islam. In its response, he told him to perform the fasting in the Ramadan. Then, the he asked to him: is there any other fasting without Ramadan that made obligatory upon me? The Messenger replied: Nothing, other than your voluntary fasting.”
In this month, thousands of those Muslims who are to go to hell are forgiven and emancipated every night. In this month the gates of paradise are opened. The gates of hell are closed. The devils are chained. The doors of compassion are opened. May Allah bless us all with the lot of worshipping him in a manner worthy of his greatness and with being on the right way which He likes! 


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