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Friday 18 May 2018

Utilize Your Time Wisely

Moosa Sonkal

The month of Ramadan is a precious, precious time, so much so that Allah calls this month 'Ayyaman Ma'doodaat' (A fixed number of days). Before we know it, this month of mercy and forgiveness will be over. We should try and spend every moment possible in the worship of Allah so that we can make the most of this blessing. However, there are some of us who waste away, trying to obey Allah by disobeying him! 

Most Muslims who fast Ramadan focus on the benefits and rewards of it. But in doing so, we often make mistakes that instead of adding to our experience actually detract from it. Mistakes that can make us commercialize Ramadan as so many other religions have commercialized their sacred days. 

May Allah help us to spend our time wisely this Ramadan and help us to avoid these mistakes. The mistakes are as following: For many of us, Ramadan has lost its spirituality and has become more of a ritual and a form of Ibadah(devotion). We fast from dawn to dusk like a zombie just because everyone around us is fasting too. We forget that it is a time to purify our hearts and our souls from all evil….we forget to make invocation, forget to beseech Allah to forgive us and ask Him to save us from the Fire. Sure we stay away from food and drink but that's about all. Although, the Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Jibreel (Peace be upon him) said to me: 'May Allah rub his nose in the dust, that person to whom Ramadan comes and his sins are not forgiven,' and I said, 'Aameen'. Then he said, 'May Allah rub his nose in the dust, that person who lives to see his parents grow old, one or both of them, but he does not enter Paradise (by not serving them) and I said, 'Aameen'. Then he said, 'May Allah rub his nose in the dust, that person in whose presence you are mentioned and he does not send blessings upon you,' and I said, 'Aameen'' (Thurmudi, Ahmad). 

Some people, the entire month of Ramadan, revolve around food and its belongings. Spending most of their day time on cooking, shopping, they forget to concentrate on Prayer, Quran recitation and other acts of worship. More over, they turn the month of 'fasting' into the month of 'feasting'. During the Iftar time, their dining table is in full of  varieties of food, sweets and drinks. The Prophet (PBH) said: 'The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach; for the son of Adam a few mouthfuls are sufficient to keep his back straight. If you must fill it, then one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air..'(Thurmudi, Ibn Majah). They are missing the very purpose of fasting, and thus, increase in their greed and desires instead of learning to control them. 

The Almighty Allah said:   '…..and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al-Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)' [Al-Araaf; 31].  Involving in cooking and other material matters, most of the Muslims lost even obligatory prayers specially the nocturnal Prayers. 

Some people spend their major part of the day sleeping away their fast. This is not at all required of us during this noble month of Ramadan. These people also are missing the purpose of fasting and are slaves to their desires of comfort and ease. They cannot bear to be awake and face a little hunger or exert a little self-control.
Some are too scared to fast if they miss Suhoor (pre dawn meal). However, this is a kind of cowardice and love of ease. We never avoid the noble fasting for losing a few morsels of food. Actually the obedience to Allah overcomes everything. 

It’s recommended to hasten to open the fast, soon after assuring the sun set. Nevertheless, some of us turn against this Sunnah and make late of breaking fast Aysha (May Allah please with her) said: This is what the Messenger of Allah (PBH) used to do (Muslim). The Prophet (PBH) said: 'The people will continue to do well so long as they hasten to open the fast' (Bukhaari, Muslim). 

A few miss the golden chance of having their supplication accepted. For, the supplications of the fasting person are guaranteed to be accepted at the time of breaking fast. The Prophet (PBH) said: 'three prayers are  not rejected: the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a traveler' (Bayhaqi). Instead of sitting down and making supplication at this precious time, some people forego this beautiful chance by indulging in worldly matters. 

Despite some show more interest towards the fast, they become lazy in performing the Prayers. We should figure out the importance of five time Prayers which is one of the five pillars of Islam. Evidently, the Prophet (PBH) said: 'between a man and kufr there stands his giving up prayer'(Muslim). 

Some people pray only on the 27th day or other odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan' to seek Lailatul-Qadr, neglecting all other nights. But we should seek Lailatul-Qadr in each nights of Ramadan. For, there are some among the scholars, who argue the possibility of expecting it in any night of Ramadan. 

We never abstain from fasting on behalf of exams or works. If you will fulfill your obligation to fast, even if you have to study, Allah will make it easy for you and help you in everything you do. The Almighty says: 'Whosoever fears Allah, He will appoint for him a way out and provide for him from where he does not expect, Allah is Sufficient for whosoever puts his trust in Him' (Surah at-Talaaq 2-3). 

Some people waste the last days of Ramadan preparing for Eid, neglecting the virtues of the last days.  Although, the Prophet (PBH) used to strive the hardest during the last ten days of Ramadan in worship (Ahmad, Muslim) and not in shopping. Aysha (May Allah please with her) said: 'When the (last) ten nights began, the Messenger of Allah (PBH)) would tighten his waist-wrapper (i.e., strive hard in worship or refrain from intimacy with his wives), stay awake at night and wake his family' (Bukhaai and Muslim). 

Although inviting each other for breaking fast is something good and encouraged. Nevertheless, some people go to extremes with lavish 'Iftar parties' with all sorts of disobedience to Allah. 

It's not too late to rectify ones mistake and do good for the sake of Allah. [ 15:49 ] inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, Most Merciful. 
Moosa Sonkal

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