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Sunday 12 October 2014

Do humans need a religion

Do humans need a religion? If so why? It is because he is a creature having visions and passions; he has the capacity to foresee things, he has the power to differentiate. This capacity helps him think and imagine. He is alive, so he is emotional. Man has been given the capacity to fulfill his thoughts and feelings.
The above said facts form the background for religion. Those who reject religion are actually rejecting man's capacity to think. That much deeply has religion been connected with human thoughts and feelings, what is religion? "Man's faith in certain defined or determined matters and his customs and practices observed accordingly can be called a religion. Faith is the result of man's application of his intelligence.
If one, with the help of one's intelligence realizes what is true he does have faith in religion or we say that he is a believer. Faith comes first; customs and practices follow. Those who are intelligent should believe in truth and observe the practices based on that truth. What is that truth which our intelligence can not reject? 'Yes, it is the fact that there is a power which has created the whole universe and the creatures in it. This fact lies before our common sense. Some realized this reality by themselves, but some others were roused to this (by somebody else). A few may be able to spot the lost coin in the first attempt itself, but many others have to be shown. So we cannot say that 'finding truth' points to the authority of intelligence. To rouse one to truth is actually the duty of one's intelligence. Duty can not be compared to authority. But, who will rouse our intelligence? Of course, the creator himself is the right one to do it. 'How to rouse' should also be decided by Him. When our brains are roused, we have to analyze the facts and then to realize. It is the duty of our intelligence.
When the creator roused human minds towards him, man became aware of God's presence. But some try hard to conceal such inner thoughts, they are extremely careful not to surrender to this inner most call. Some others readily realize this call from within.

The term 'Iman' is applied to them. But on those who do not surrender themselves to this inner call, we apply the term 'Kufr'. They are called "Kafirs". Those who hide and suppress their innermost call lose the facts which help them to follow the truth which they have suppressed or hidden.

The realization that the Devine power manages the lives of all the creatures according to a system which He 'himself has designed' is the continuation of the faith in the existence of that omnipotent one who has created the whole universe. It is "He" who creates milk in women's breasts and cows udders. He has prepared the rules to consume both these milks according to their differences he has made in their creation. The Almighty intends a slow and gradual growth to a human child. So, the intestine of a human child may not be able to digest cow milk, which has been created mainly for calves. The creator intends of human child to reach adulthood only after the age of 9. But he decides a calf to be an adult much earlier. Therefore, it needs highly nutritious milk and its intestines have to be strong enough to digest it. Once he has performed all these, he designs their law of consumption.

There are baby foods artificially prepared out of cow milk and original mother's breast milk. Which is better for a human child? Yes. The creator has the right to decide it. These kinds of divine decisions come as the rites and rituals or practices of the religion. These rites and rituals or practices supplement the first and foremost aspect ie to believe in the sole authority of the Almighty. So, one who refuses to believe in the first deliberately loses the second or is forced to reject both. It is a great loss to fail to observe and obey the code of conduct sent down by the creator even when we are living in his own universe.

While going on a voyage, it is terribly dangerous for the inmates of a ship to disobey the rules of conduct instructed by the manufacturing company. This violation may drown them and their ship. Such people are moving towards total destruction and unending tears of sorrow.

Here, we more clearly realize the necessity of embracing the religion. So, if a human being, an inmate of the universe wants not to fall into unending sorrow, it is essential for him to observe the practices which actually are the orders of the sole worshipped. If the manufacturer instructs instructed the loading capacity of the ship not to exceed '1500' tons, the crew can not neglect it. If they have knowledge about the manufacturing company, they would certainly admit the fact that the loading capacity of the ship should be deterred by that company. If the crew deliberately hide the truth about the company, they will refuse to believe the entire rules and regulations of the company. They will load the ship with more than 1500 ton goods. As a consequence, the ship will be drowns. It will end in a tragedy. All the crew will lose their lives.
Now, I think, we have got an idea of how absence of faith leads to absence of practices and the both lead to violations and at last to the unending sorrow. To avoid falling into the depth of unending sorrow, religion is a must. Therefore, accepting religion means fulfilling the indebtedness to our intelligence. If we discard religion, we are abusing our own intelligence and common sense. And so, which is the religion reasonable to on intelligence?

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