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Sunday 12 October 2014

The perfect religion

The term 'Islam' has many different meanings based on its word of origin. The term has formed from a basic word which means health, withdrawal, submission, purified, thing devoid of evil and bad, conformation, safety etc. It can be seen that Islam has imbibed all the above-mentioned meanings.
The creator of the universe has given to the people a complete ideology, which is suitable and practicable to each age from the origin of the universe up to the end. Allah, the Almighty revealed this through a chain of prophets more than two hundred thousands beginning from Adam (May Allah Mercy upon him), the first prophet and the father of human beings, and ending with the last prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him). In order that he has revealed four holy books and one hundred scriptures. The prophets have taught their explanations and contextual meanings to their communities as per the instructions of the Almighty.
The information that the Prophet conveyed and his acknowledgement are known as Hadith. As the books and scriptures, revealed to the earlier prophet were temporary and pertaining to their specific occasions, their validity period didn't last long. The last prophet Mohamed (PBH) presented to the people a comprehensive, complete and universal ideology-Islam-through Holy Qur'an and Hadith as per the instruction of the Almighty with which all the previous temporary laws became irrelevant. There is no doubt that the old laws and principles were divine and reverent. As they were incomplete the scholars have not included them under the term 'Islam'. In short, let's say that the term 'Islam' can be attributed only to those perfect principles revealed through the prophet Mohamed (PBH) and the divine religion is as old as the origin of man. A family started its settlement in a thatched one. After ages, a basement floor was prepared to the thatched shed and later a tile-roofed and strong house with walls was constructed there. Ultimately a palace was built using superior particles, which needed no reconstruction or repair. Though the house was subjected to much changes in different phases but nothing happened to a single place in the family or basic place any. As such Muslims are the members of a family which reached the perfection subjected to timely changes in activity-oriented matters and moving in the same direction in the belief-oriented matters based on monotheism. This analogy is brought here to convince the meaninglessness of the argument made by some stupid that Islam is not a divine religion and the prophet Mohamed (PBH) is the founder of it and it has no right to be called an ancient religion.

When we highlight Islam as a comprehensive and universal one, we have to prove its authenticity and reliability. Holy Qur'an reminds: "Today I have perfected you your religion and I have contended with my blessings upon you." (5/3). In the interpretation of this verse, Imam Razi (May Allah Mercy upon him) says: Allah, the Almighty knows that a single law is not practicable during the different phases from the beginning of the world. Many laws were nullified and replaced by new ones. But with the arrival of the last prophet, Allah, the Almighty revealed a complete ideology and he decided to keep it alive up to the day of judgment. That is the laws were perfect during their respective ages and the laws revealed through prophet Mohamed(S) are perfect until the day of judgment. Allah, the Almighty says in another place: "Verily, we have revealed the Qur'an. And we will definitely protect it (from amendments and deformities) 15/9. But this protection is given only to the Holy Qur'an revealed to the last prophet and to the Islamic principles based on it. Holy Qur'an itself says: "Verily, we have revealed Thourath as having light and right path.

Holy Qur'an has mentioned all subjects and matters clearly or covertly which may come up to the end of this universe. "We have not excluded the reference of any matter in this book (Quran)" (6/38). Instead of criticizing the Qur'an one should go through the interpretation written by the ancient scholars. Then he will come to know that all those interpretations have covered only a small part of the teachings and ideas of Qur'an. Prophet Mohamed (BPH) who came forward with the message of Islam, has also mentioned and informed about everything which may come up to the end of the world. We can see in a tradition reported from Hudaifa (May Allah Mercy upon him): He says: "Once the prophet stood among us for delivering a speech. He didn't leave anything from mentioning which may happen from the beginning of the world till the end. Those who memorized it did it; and those who forgot it forgot". (Bukhari, Muslim).

The greatest and everlasting one among the miracles revealed to the prophet is Quran. Though we can include it among the books it is not a just book. Everything that can be applied to other books cannot be applied in this holy book. Qur'an which is free from any kind of amendment and defect, cannot be translated word by word. It is impossible to translate the wide and in depth meaning of each of the words of Qur'an. Allah has revealed four books-Thorah, Injeel, Zaboor, Qur'an and one hundred scriptures. The one hundred scriptures were revealed to Adam (10), Shees (50), Ibrahim (30) and Idris (10) respectively. The holy Qur'an contains the total of facts that contained all these books and scriptures. The first chapter 'Fathiha' contains the whole ideas of Qur'an just as the letter 'ba' in 'Bismi' comprises the total ideas of 'Fathiha'. This has been reported from great Imams. In short the prophet who knew everything and gave instructions to his followers in accordance with it and the Qur'an which has mentioned everything which is going to come in the life here and hereafter, are highlighting the majesty and comprehensiveness of Islam.

This universe can be divided into two the human beings and spirits (Jinn) who have commitment to its creator Allah, the Almighty and other creatures who were created for the benefit of the former. Imam teaches us the ways to make the latter useful and comfortable for human beings. Islam has very comprehensive and up to-date laws and principles needed and effective in each second in the life of the human beings, which is the best among the creatures. Islam's teachings on the movements of man in the different phases such as infancy, boyhood, youth and old age are beyond alteration or amendment. "No amendment to the words of Allah" (Qur'an 10/64); "Nobody is there to alter the decisions of Allah" (6/34). There Quranic verses are sending the same above-mentioned message. This is not in contrast with some verses and judgments which are seen invalidated. Instead, it will of course, be a demerit if those principles are made eternal and permanent. Isn't it foolishness to say that the food items banned to a patient during his illness shouldn't be used by him even after his illness? Islam is the only religion which has recorded all subjects objectively and reliably. Apart from the matters related to the belief, Islam has recorded the matters related to actions categorizing them into four sections procedures of worship, transactions, marital relations, crimes-with hair-splitting discussion on them. There are many instances in which the outlooks of Islam were proved true, which were beyond the imagination of human mind. Islamic scriptures have recorded the facts and histories which have already happened and are going to happen in the future Islam is the only ideology which can put forward a solution to any problem and a logical, appropriate and justifiable decision to any matter. While the modern man stands proudly after his great leap in the field of science, Islam has been preserving its entity by standing in front of him majestically due to the fact that it has already foreseen and predicted all the scientific truths in advance. In most cases scientists are conducting experiments and researches based on the outlook of Islam and have proved its truthfulness. Qur'an reminds: "Soon will we show them our signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth) and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the truth" (4/53).

In any subject, the laws and principles of Islam are the manifestations of virtues how ever silly those principles are. Physicians and highly learned men, irrespective of their religion have admitted that any activity which Islam has promulgated has been proved as beneficial physically and mentally in this world and the world hereafter. Even non- Muslim thinkers have recorded that only Islam has the clear-cut outline demarcating the merits and demerits in matters such as cleaning, eating, drinking, dressing, social life, family life, financial transactions, inter-human relationships etc.

It is a fact which can be seen even today that those who came forward to formulate a new ideology as a rebel and insult to Islam are ridiculously destroyed and collapsed. The best example is the disintegration of Soviet Union, one of the super powers of the world.

The modern man has no peace of mind. He is wandering every where restlessly due to poverty and debt and ultimately ends his life by committing suicide. The main reason for the pathetic condition of modernity is the system of interest and gambling. Islam has a very strong voice against these economic exploitations. Let's listen to one of many teachings of Islam: "Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Satan by his touch has driven to madness" (2/275). This verse reflects that those who engage in this type of economic matters will lose their mental stability and they will not have efficiency in their works. The pictures in front of us illustrate this fact. Islam has banned all evils which create social, mental and physical problems such as adultery, alcoholism etc. Those bad habits are the main reasons for the major issues of the world, such as restlessness, lack of peace mind insecurity etc. Nowadays, a campus without intoxicants or gatherings without sexual anarchy cannot be seen anywhere. Only by controlling this kind of immoral systems in the society, the world will become a better place for living, with peace, safety and security. Islam has given all instructions and guidance for such a situation.

Islam has given much importance to education. There are some conditions by which education will become characterized by the quality of civilizing the man liberating him from the behaviour of a barbarian. If education was imparted in this way, there will be a sot of equilibrium in the world. In spite of having a large number of educational institutions and educational reforms, at the same time it can be seen that immoral and anarchical tendencies are increasing day by day. The educational field will escape from these evil tendencies only when due importance is given to moral values through practical and theoretical classes. Islam is the reservoir of a collection of such branches of studies which are based on moral values. Islam is not against the study of secular subjects, which provide momentous pleasure. But the first and great importance is given to the knowledge which enable a man for his success in both the worlds. Only through mutual friendship and affection that the social relationship will become rigid. Any cruel enemy can be turned into an intimate friend through meek and attractive behaviour. Qur'an says: "Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal Repel (evil) with what is better : Then will he between whom And thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate(41/34). Qur'an again reminds: ''Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching'' (16/125). Let's read part of a Hadith which underlines the mutual commitment among Muslims: "A Muslim has been indebted to another Muslim in six matters greeting with Salam, to accept the invitation if invited, to pray for blessing if a Muslim sneezes, to visit if he is ill, to participate in the funeral programs if he dies, to like to have all the blessings which he likes to himself. (Thurmudi, Darimi). Islam has given warning against evils which promote violence and quarrel as it emphasizes the necessity of creating mutual affection by greeting with Salam. Islam has undoubtedly explained that a Muslim should be free from all types of mental misbehaviors such as jealousy, hatred, pride, gossip etc. These evils are the main causes for all the problems of law and order.

It has become a daily happening that public property is being destroyed for silly reasons and the country becomes immobile and stagnant due to the violence created by a few. When the surveys reveal that this kind of malpractices are a threat to even economic stability, Islam puts forward the solution by saying that removal of obstacles from the path is part of belief.

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