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Monday 13 October 2014

The usually Reciting Chapters from the Qur'an

It is special Sunnah to recite some parts of the Qur'an in some special occasions. The following are voluntary doings after every daily Namaz (Preyer).
Surat Al- Fathiha (The opening; Chapter 1) Surat Al- IKhlas(The purity; chapter 112)

Surat Al- Falaq (The Daybreak; chapter 113)

Surat An- Nas (Mankind; chapter 114)

Ayathul Kursiyy(Sura Al - Baqara (The Cow) the second chapter; verse 225)

Shahidallahu( Sura Al- 'Imran (The Family of Imran; Chapter 3, verse 18)

In addition to the above, the following are desirable at the time of sleeping

Amanarrasul(Sura Al - Baqara (The Cow) the second chapter; verse 284-286)

Surat Al -Kafirun (The Disbelievers; chapter 109)

Reciting the following verses in every dawn and dusk is also voluntary doings.

Lou Anzalna(Surat Al - Hashr -The Gathering; Chapter 59, verse 20-24)

Hameem Thanzeelul Kithab(Surat Ghafir- The Forgiver; Chapter 40, Verse 1-3)

Afahasibuthum(Surat Al- Mu'minun - The Believers, Chapter 23, Verse 115)

It is also desirable to habituate the seven chapter in every day life.

Surat As - Sajdha(The Prostration; Chapter 32)

Surat Yasin(Chapter 36)

Surat Ad - Dukhan(The Smoke; Chapter 44)

Surat Al -Waqi'ah (The Event; Chapter 56)

Surat Al -Mulk( Dominion ; Chapter 67)

Surat Az- Zalzala (The Earth Quack, Chapter 99)

Surat At -Thakathur(The Emulous; Chapter 102)

He who can not recite the above mentioned chapters usually, should recite the Surat As-Sajda and Surat Al-waqi'a every night. To recite Surat Yasin and Surat Ra'ad in the presence of one who going to die is also desirable. Moreover these all have proved by the authentic narrations.

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