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Monday 13 October 2014

The Genesis and Revelation of the holy Qur'an

The holy Qur'an is the book revealed to the last Prophet (Peace be upon him) through the Angel jibreel (A). The Qur'an -Kalam (words) of Allah- is the most reciting, hearing and learning by heart book. It has many distinctive features. Its reciting itself is Ibadath (worship) which is avail to those who know its meaning and those who not. The whole of Qur'an has been know by Thavathur (The facts handed over through such a group of people, there is no possibility of assembling all of them in false is called Thavatur). The sacred Qur'an is the 'Mu'ajiz' (what is beyond the capacity of human). It is called so, because it has succeeded in its challenge that no one can produce even a single Sura (chapter) like this.  
The holy Qur'an is the last book sent down by Almighty Allah and it will last till the doomsday. With the revelation of the Qur'an all past scriptures were abrogated. Though believing in all of them is obligatory, the rules and regulations in them are not connected with us. The alterations and corruptions taken place in the past scriptures will not be occurred in case of the holy Qur'an. Because the Almighty God has taken upon the duty of preserving it for ever in its entirety as He says " we have without doubt sent down the message, and we will assuredly guard it. It is not permissible to read or write the past scriptures now available as these were corrupted and altered by men. But it is permissible to eligible and expert scholars only for criticizing and opposing them.

The holy Qur'an has been recorded in Lahul Mahfoodh (Preserved Plates) in the seventh sky. From there it was fully sent down firstly to 'Baithul Izza' of the first sky which happened in the night of Qadhr on the holy month of Ramadhan. Later it was sent down timely from the Baithul Izza to the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) through the angel Jibril (Peace upon him) during the period of twenty three years. So, the Qura'n has two revelations. The first one is for publicizing its greatness among the inhabitants of skies. There have many secrets in the second timely revelation. One of them is to make the process of learning Qur'an by heart very easy to the Prophet (PBH) from the Angel Jibril (A) and to the Companions from the Prophet(PBH).

Jibril (A) comes occasionally with the message (wahy) from Almighty to increase the happiness of Rasullah (PBH), to make him peace of mind, to implement the rules of Islam one by one and to reveal the rules and regulation of things and deeds in accordance with their happenings.

The Order of holy Qura'n

The Quran has two types of orders to the Holy Quran One: Tharthibuthilavah (Recitation order). This is the order that is seen in 'Mushafs'(holy books) and accepted by the Muslim world till today. In Lauhul Mahful too Qura'n is recorded in this order.

Two: Tharthibul Nusul (Order of revelation)

It was according to incidents and situations that Qura'n was introduced through Gabriel. This is called Tharthibul Nusul. This is different from Tharthibuthi lava. Yet when each 'Ayath' was introduced, Gabriel taught Prophet and Prophet in turn taught swahabis to add tose verses. Where and in which suras. In the same way is the order of suras. It was 'Ikrah Bismi' that first came in the Qura'n and the last was the 281st verseof surathul Bukra. The introduction of Qura'n was completed by twenty three years. The part of Qura'n that came before Hijra is called Makiyy'and that after Hijra is called 'Madaniyy'. For example, surathul Fathiha is 'Makkiyy' and Surathul Bakra is Madaniyy. What happened between 6 A.D and 12 A.D in the history of Arabs is amazing. Let us listen to the words of the famous scientific historian George Sartan.

"It is in Arabic that most fundamental and ideologically rich books were written. Arabic was the language of science of the human race between the half of eight century to the end of eleventh century. During that period, if one needed to acquire the latest knowledge he had to learn Arabic. Hence, we can remember a few great geniuses who had no equals in the western world like JabirubinuHayyan, Allundli, Alkharismi, Alfurgani, Alrasi, Sabithubnukureeh, Albathami, HunainubnuIshak, Alfarabi, Ibrahimubnusiman, AlMasaudi, Twabri, Abdulvafa, Aliyubnu Isa, Algasali, Al sarkali, Al Khallkhi, Ibnu Al Jassar, Al Biruni, Ibnu seena, Ibnu Yunus, Al Sarkhali, Ummar Khayyam. There is no difficulty in lengthening this list to any extend. If any one tells you that middle age was barren in the field of science just tell them the names of these people. They all lived in the short period between 750 and 1100 A.D.

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