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Sunday 12 October 2014

Islam: The Religion of Nature

The nature of the universe is that it is subjected to evolution. All evolutions need a reason from outside the object which evolves. That is one of the rules of nature. For a mango to ripen, it needs bacteria, which is not a part of it. To change wine into vinegar, we need an outsider. Like that, to bring the universe out of nothingness, an outside power is essential. That is what the rules of nature state. If it was not the one without a beginning, there would not be any evolution for anything. If a thing is eternal or without a beginning, that means it doesn't have to depend on anything for its existence. Nor it undergoes any change. Because change is either a progress or a regress, development or decline. Eternity is perfection, so it neither needs any progress nor undergoes any regress. How does a thing which passed such a stile fall back so deep? In short, if the universe had been independent in its  
Islam reminds us of such a power. It proclaims the universe has a creator and the creator cannot be measured in units of time, length, width or depth.

Islam describes the creator of the universe in accordance with the principles of nature. So, Islam is a religion of nature. If there have been two or more equally strong creators for the universe, nature says there is bound to be an imbroglio. We don't see any such trouble in the running of the universe. So, intelligence admits that only one creator exists. Islam too says the same. It never admits two creators. Therefore, Islam is a religion of nature, no doubt. Our intelligence again reminds us of obeying and surrendering ourselves before that power because it is the force which creates and protects us. Its proof is seen every where in the universe. It is more evident in cattle. They show their thankfulness to their owners. Here, Islam emphasizes this lesson. It orders us to worship the creator by showing our submissiveness to him. Even when some accuse Islam of introducing a lot of complicated forms of prayers, they admit the importance it gave for worship. But really the numbers of worships are minimum and all of them are simple. Ingratitude to the creator can not be seen in Islam.

Now let us examine whether the forms of prayers and practices in Islam are in touch with the rules of nature. None can say the Namaz (five time prayers) Zakath (compulsory charity) and the Hajj (the pilgrimage to holly Makkah) do not match with nature. Scientists have found answers to nature's call in the ablution before prayers, circumcision, and bath after janaba (sperm coming out of a man's penis). Touching pigs and dogs has been prohibited in Islam. They carry troubles which others do not. Even the meat of eatable birds and animals can be eaten only after they are slaughtered. Science supports this theory by saying that it is dangerous to eat animal meat without its blood being flowed out. Study of nature prohibits sexual intercourses during Menstrual period. Same is the view of Islam.

Islam and the study of nature have the same voice to indicate the dangers of prostitution or whoredom. Both are against consumption of alcoholic substances. Regarding the way of dressing, Islam says one has to cover one's head, prefer white clothes and remain in full sleeves (without rolling up the sleeves). When people die of sunstroke, science instructs others to cover their heads and wear full sleeves. Why do textiles` salesmen suffer from primitive graying of their hair and skin diseases? Yes, because they have been engaged in folding and unfolding color dresses for a long time. To be in touch with such strong chemicals for long causes to be the old age symptoms in the earlier.

When we discuss, the economic systems, deception, lottery, interest, corruption etc are not permitted in nature. Islam is in open fight with such evils. Law of nature suggests an established system to satisfy human lust. Legal contract or marriage is the systematic way proposed by Islam for this purpose. Islam does not consider enjoyment of sex as a crime; but uncontrolled sex or sexual anarchy is not permitted. According to the law of nature, time of lust is different in men and women. During menstrual period, she cannot be enjoyed sex with. Pregnant or recently delivered and milking women are not fit for sexual contact. Thus, a lady has to abstain from sex for a major time of her life. During that period she doesn't long for sex. But nature doesn't' create such a gap for lust in men. All marriage rules should be according to this partiality of nature. Man is able to bring his sperm in to penis at any day. But a woman's ovum from her ovary arrives at the womb gate once in twenty eight day's says modern science. Man can reach the climax of sex at anytime through ejaculation, but none (not even those who argue for Man-woman equality) argues that a woman can always reach orgasm. There is a sort of disharmony in the contact between the two. To solve this disharmony, a sort of adjustment or balancing is necessary. That is what Islam did. In married life, if it were women who had more number of orgasms it would be justice on her part to argue for polyandry. But, she doesn't have such a number of orgasms or such a sexual experience. Her experience is just the opposite. Therefore, polyandry has not to be discussed. But her husband has another experience. So nature allows him polygamy. If he is able to do justice equally to all, he can accept a maximum number of 4 wives at the same time. If he can't do justice, Islam asks him to reduce his lust by observing fast. He has the right to maintain only one wife i.e. monogamy.

A husband who physically needs more orgasms can not be tied to a single wife. That is against the rule of nature. It tempts him to wrong paths. Islam does not permit both. One who badly feels to piss cannot be asked to control. It will form stone in his urine; we have to find a solution which agrees with nature. As in all matters, in the law of polygamy too we can see Islam's harmony with nature. Same harmony can be seen in food supply as well. How does nature supply food to plants? They are provided with the opportunity to absorb things under the earth. Coconut trees, arecas and other kinds of trees feed on damaged leaves. Tree roots absorb even the body and bone remnants of the dead. That is the process of nature.

Now, see living beings: Here too, we see physically superior creatures eating the inferiors. Don't we see cows and goats stretch their heads for the green grass in the meadows. A delightful elephant rushes towards Palmyra leaves. Big fishes swallow the smaller ones. A lion chases a deer. A python tries to swallow a man. Though attempt to escape should be made, all these happen in accordance with the rules of nature. Animals other than humans are superior to plants and trees. Human beings are superior to other animals. So, human, can select the harmless from the world of plants and animals. Superior humans can cut a huge Palmyra down, take its core, cook it and use it for food. Though there happens a sort of killing, it is the rule of nature. Palmyra is a member of the world of vegetation. When it is felled, none shouts slogan, don't kill, brother. None sings, 'Manishada' (No.. monster) Only environmentalists come and condemn this activity, not because of their mercy towards Palmyra; on the contrary, their selfish haste to maintain the environmental balance is the motivation behind it.

Man takes the core of Palmyra and eats it with curry. How did he prepare this curry? To fell the Palmyra, he used iron, whereas to prepare the curry he used his own hand and fingers. He plucks the smiling curry leaf. Is it a slaughter or killing? It is the rule of nature that works here. When one suffers from any illness because of the side effect of any food item, he extends his hands to basil, torturing it he takes its leaves. Botanists say, like a cow, basil is also a creature which breaths. Still, the cruelty to basil plants continues in almost all houses. What justification do we have? Yes, it is the rule of the nature. We plant spinach in our kitchen garden with an intention of eating its leaves. Chicken farm owners slaughter millions of chickens all over the world. The owner of the garden destroys some plants completely and plucks the leaves of some other plants to eat.

As part of this flow of life in nature, human beings (the superiors in many respects) can eat some of the comparatively inferior animals, birds and creatures from land and the water world. Like a 'touch me not plant' 'which shrinks soon after it is touched, animals wriggle about their body when they are slaughtered. But when their gullet and wind pipe are cut instantly (and as a result of the loss of connection with the brain) it falls unconscious. Therefore, it doesn't have to suffer pain. Wriggling is only an act of the body. An epileptic doesn't feel pain when he wriggles or twists his body. Person under anesthetic tries to pull the wires and pipes much before he comes back to normalcy or consciousness. But, if you enquire about it at the time of normalcy, he says he doesn't remember such a thing. So, to fall unconscious is a body mechanism to help not to feel pain. Even then body may wriggle. Therefore, do not find cruelty in the body movements of the slaughtered animal. Sometimes, a hung lump of animal meat wriggles or jumps here and there even hours after the slaughter. That doesn't mean it still has pain. The end of the tail of a lizard jumps violently. Can we say it experiences pain and so it wriggles? Never, it doesn't have a brain. What pain without a brain? Still, it moves and wriggles. That is only a trick of nature to protect lizards. Violent movements of both the tail of lizard and the body of the animal are the same. For those reasons I described above, man can eat the harmless creatures such as goat, cattle, camel, chicken, duck and fish.

Not to use harmful things as food is also the rule of nature. When we put manure round the coconut tree, it gradually absorbs it. But never absorbs the things like plastic or bottle pieces accidentally mixed in the manure. That is the nature of coconut trees. Observe a grazing land. Cattle never bite any poisonous plant. If it happens they die or fall ill. Like that man has to be extremely careful when he extends his hand towards egg or fish. He should not eat creatures like snake, dog, fox, lion, pig, rat, crow etc, because their meat is harmful to his body. Even though they are inferior to humans, they cannot be eaten.

As in every case, in food distribution too, Islam stands in harmony with nature. Former Sachidananda (now Anand) who lately emerged as a rude critic of Islam writes:

"Our preceptor's decision to neglect killings of human beings and to lose life against cow slaughter is another instance of this disharmony. One of the arguments propounded by his followers against it is that its dung is useful. No wonder in the failure of the proponents of Rishi culture in their understanding the foolishness of saving an animal's life for its excreta. The argument of saving a life just for its excreta is far and distant from that of feeding them just for their existence. Whenever the issue the greatness or value of life arose, it has been evident that it was not easy for our sages to tread that distance (Kala Koumudi 1979May)(Essays of Anand vol.2, page20)

The wickedness in saying that a life should be saved for its excreta was unbearable, to former Anand. The view was against intelligence and nature according to him. What is to be done with the excreta of an animal? See the answer: Ash vase which forgot of the fa�ade: Vase of ashes (ashtray) which covers the facades is often hung in front of the ancestral house holds. To apply mark on the forehead using the ashes after their bath in the mornings and evenings was a usual practice of the aged people of that time. The ashes were prepared by burning the pellets of cow dung in fire. (Sahitya poshini - Jan 26, 2004)

The excreta protected by the prohibition of cow slaughter reaches human fore head and limb joints. Some think cow dung can be applied on fore heads. Then, what is wrong in its meat reaching the intestine? Islam never supports complete abstention form meat and fish. Its view is the one closest to nature. Blood of fishes is thinner than the blood of animals. So, their throats need not be cut and blood be flowed out. But the blood of an animal has to flow completely out of its body. For this, both its food pipe and wind pipe have to be cut at the same time. A cut on other parts of the body never causes the blood to flow completely out. Neck is the carrier of blood passages to the brain. Therefore, that is the fittest part to be cut. Blood clots in several parts of the carcass of a dead but un-slaughtered animal. That is not eatable. Islamic rules to slaughter an animal show its compulsion to provide germs free meat.

Islam made circumcision compulsory to prevent the attack of germs. If a person's foreskin is not cut and removed, every time he urinates, a little urine remains there. Mere washing alone cannot resist germs which gather there, but circumcision successfully resists them. Germs are an essential part of the universe. The creator who is aware of this fact designed Islam i.e., its principles and practices.

For Muslims, cleaning is a must especially after the dismissal of body wastes like excrement or urine. Why? A woman nurtures thousands of germs every time she urinates unless she cleans carefully. In the case of men germs can cling and multiply at the tip of his penis. When those two germs development centers contact each other, again there happens an exchange of millions of germs. For the couple who do not follow Islamic practices of cleaning, sexual contact is actually a Germs exchange fest. Washing before bed time alone does not protect them from the dangerous exchange of germs and infection. Such couples would suffer from various sexually transmitted diseases including cancer. Their failure in following an advisor who knows the rules of nature is the reason for this, or their turning his advice to their own whims and fancies has caused this. When we examine the rules of acquiring wealth to protect our family, there too, we see Islam has stood in close touch with nature. If a family has a minimum standard of living, the lady in the family should not go out seeking jobs. Job and running of the family are the responsibilities of men. A lady can go out for occupation in the absence of men or in any other unavoidable situation.

Why was the responsibility of family imposed on men? Why weren't women given a share of this responsibility? There are two reasons for this: First; Physically she is not in a condition to bear the burden of that responsibility. Her body does not possess the strength and rigidity of man's body. Now, even if she decides to come out to do some simple jobs, she won't be able to defend herself against sexual assaults or attacks directed against her chastity. She won't be able to control men from wandering in bad thoughts and dream world which tempts them. Moreover, she may not be able to control herself from evils. When we take all these unhealthy matters into account, we can easily understand that nature has asked her minimize her presence in such fields. If nature preferred the opposite, she would not have been created at her present condition.

Next, woman's going out for jobs affects her married life badly. When a husband returns after his hard work, he should get consolation and comfort from a healthy wife. If the wife comes more tired, how will they enjoy their married life? Six days of their weeks they live so tired a life. 25 days a month or three hundred days a year they live so half heartedly. Is it an enjoyable life?

Married life is meant not only for the couple but also for the children born for them. If both father and mother are employed, children won't get due affection and love. Though father leaves, it doesn't matter because they get the most essential motherly affection which is enough and more for them. Father's absence does not affect the children and apart from that it is a must to save the family from starvation. But mother's absence will create a lot of adverse impacts on the children. It is actually unbearable for them. Is it only their tiredness that hinders the smooth running of the married life of a couple when both of them are employed? No. some more troubles arise in such a family. When the wife is also salaried and attending the family expenses, she lacks a dependent attitude towards her husband. That sort of an attitude is essential for the enjoyment of married life. The above said connection would only be like a connection between a self ruled province and the central government. Some may interpret this view as phallogocentric or as male dominated. Still, they have to admit the reality of these attitudes. (the administrative attitude and the dependence attitude) which one is better for a wife? Certainly a dependence attitude is better for the success of married life. From the characters of Anand we can read how a wife and a husband lose the warmth and happiness of their married life when both of them are employed. We read about one Mr. Ganesan, his wife (Na)seema and their life. Everyday seema, the wife, goes to a place called 'sathi' and to her press office.

Anand writes: Ganesa was not sure if (Na)seema left sathi or not. It is better to say that she hasn't gone there for a certain period. He understood it only when she stopped to say anything about that place. Still, she used to go out every afternoon. Very often, she retuned late. She hadn't had that much work in the office and so she didn't have to spend a long time there. Ganesa just thought she might have caught some other centre in place of 'sathi'. They hadn't a tendency of interfering each other's matters. Sometimes (Na)seema goes out by their car and Ganesa by scooter or the other way around. Now a days (Na)seema prefers scooter. If one is absent when the other leaves the house, a slip is kept on the table. The return time and the contact number etc will be there in it. Very often they didn't use to mind the name of the place where they had gone. It was on the table called coffee table that they placed the slips. They delivered messages through these slips (Anand - Stolen Gods page 13).

This character of Anand was one Naseema who later changed her name to Seema. This is the condition of their day today life. Anand has succeeded in portraying the mental state of the family in which the wife purchases goods and commodities to meet its everyday needs. Any sort of interference by each other is very rare in their personal life. Here, Anand admits that the usual custom of a couple's interference in each other's personal matters does not happen in the life of Ganesa and Seema. It means that they deliberately lose that delight and warmth which the majority get. They are two passionless couple who lead a monotonous life. They have only a pestle and grind stone relationship. Just like the Mechanical connection between a mortar and its wooden pestle. They experience the enjoyment of a cup of cold coffee in rainy season. A husband won't remain satisfied for long with a wife who wanders out and displays her financial superiority. If they don't remain satisfied the lady too loses the enjoyment of her married life. The lives of Indira and Gaouriyamma are best examples for this.

Man should follow the rules of nature. Islamic rules in the field of employment are in tune with the rules of nature. To send women for jobs does not suit nature. Islam says it aloud. "Men are the people to control or manage women's matters. Because Allah hath made some people superior to others and because men spend from their wealth".

After imposing the burden of running the family on men on the basis of rules of nature Islam propounded a fair distribution of family heirlooms. Those who do not have the responsibility of feeding the family can possess a less share of the property. A female child inherits only half of the property inherited by a male child, because a daughter doesn't have the responsibility to spend for the family. But sons certainly have this responsibility. For that reason, his difficulties should be considered. He should be given the shares of two women.

No people from any part of the world need not complain that their shares of land lacks quality cereals or there environment is unfit for anything. Nature tells them not to sit lazy or desperate for the reason mentioned above. All peoples including remote Africans should wait and hope for the footsteps of change. They should work hard. The universe is not an enclosed lake of stagnant water, Islam declares strongly motivating the boundless enthusiasm in human beings

"Know that Allah provides vitality to the lifeless earth" (57:18) Petro revolution in Gulf countries has proved that deserts cannot be neglected as waste lands. The once unknown deserts of Arabia became the centers of world attention. Even westerns and Americans began to learn Arabic language soon. British children in London may work hard to learn the local languages of Nigeria and Somalia.

Anytime God may install vitality to those two countries and men may find it out through new discoveries. Man has always to be optimistic. Islam does not allow us to disbelieve or sit sad and gloomy towards nature. The argument that earth does not have the capacity to contain the increased population is a part of that faithlessness towards nature. This hopless and anxiety stricken modern society imposes various means of population control upon the husbands and wives today. This fuss which doesn't leave the physical nature of the couple free and fair, has certainly been weakening or decaying their health inch by inch. All sorts of pregnancy preventives cause side effects. Those who have undergone vasectomy or been swallowing pills are spending their days in boredom or disappointment. Islam, the religion of nature objects this fight against nature.

"Do not kill your bodies" (4:30) This warning by the Holy Qur'an is against committing suicide and activities which decay our bodies. A lot of means to control population appear with a false claim that they don't have any side effects. Here Islam speaks to those who declare and impose this law, "Do not destroy Yourselves" If you play foul with nature it is dangerous. Islam declares that parents never have the right to prevent their children from being born. "Do not kill thy children" (6:152). Here Allah refers not only to the killing of new born babies but also to abortion and foeticide. Rejecting opportunity for the children to be born is also meant by this. This cruel killing happens out of fear of decline in our shares of the means of life. It is selfishness.

Remember the Quranic sentence that it is Allah who has been installing vitality on earth. Whom does Allah do this through? Yes.. Members of the same increased population. They, with newer and newer projects, will make the land regions inhabitable and fit for agriculture. But, shouldn't we let them be born? Development shouldn't be fettered to a particular point. It needs to spread everywhere.

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