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Monday 13 October 2014

The Holly Qur'an: Beauty of Beauties

Rose flower, How beautiful it is! We can not avoid a look at an abloom flower even while suffering from any tension .Its aroma and beauty pass through our eyes and souls. We only need some sense of beauty to feel it. The sense of beauty is also a peculiarity which differentiates human beings from other living beings. But this flower has some demerits as well.
One: Transience. Flower is mortal. It is short-lived even if it is so beautiful and attractive.
Second: Interruption of sacredness. Some times the parts, or roots of a colourful lovely flower may be in a waste bin. At least wastes may be their food. It is a sore truth which causes wane to enjoyment.
Third: Loss in value. Rose flower has of course pleasant smell and beauty. But, it has no value. It doesn't have numerical value of gold. If the lovely flower which is spreading good smell were made of gold it would have beauty and value. But not .If the flower is made of gold? It is a common character of any elegant figure in the world. Internal and external trappings are not getting reconcieled to each other. Can we see here anything that has value both inside and outside? Is there a perfect beauty which is not mixed with imperfect things? No.

But the Qur'an which is the words of Allah is the beauty without frailty. Both its inside and outside are pure, graceful, majestic and immortal. Since the Qur'an is like a flower that has loveliness, value and sacredness in its in and out it never puts the enjoyers under disappointment. It is powerful and imperial to feel for ever and spread satisfaction. Exact and integral truths, tact usages, words and sentences! Highly attractive and admirable idioms from top to bottom. These three qualities are very important and the truthfulness doesn't deserve any consideration. The truth which is mingled with lie also belongs to this type. So any messages for human guidance should not only be a truth but be a completely sacred truth itself. The truth that is presented with laziness and carelessness is also likely to lead into danger. The presenter must have perfect cautiousness and acute vigilance. There should be tactic idioms and usages. While presenting in rough style without the sense of beauty it may cause to the loss or wound to the importance and attraction of truth. Qur'an is the only Veda in the world which presents perfect truth in tactic style by extra elegance idiom.

"No falsehood can approach it From before or behind it. It is sent down By One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise". (The Holy Qur'an 41/42)

We seat down the (Qur'an) In Truth, and in Truth Has it descended: and We sent The but to give Glad Tidings and to warm ( sinners) (The Holy Qur'an)

Universally recognized scientific inferences , laws and instructions constitutions have been amended in any of its ideas . The holy Qur'an has not been subjected to even a single amendment. All the things like the ideas, languages ,idioms etc… in the Qur'an are the whole of beauty in its every meaning. Those who accept the Qur'an acquires the spiritual, cultural and civilized to have their aim, way and result in utter goodness are concerned, the Qur'an is an indispensable guide.

" To those who do right Is a goodly (reward) Yea, more (than in measure) (The Holy Qur'an 10/26) (Our religion)

"Takes its hue from Allah And who can give a better hue than Allah. It is He. Whom we worship" ( The Holy Qur'an 2/138)

"But who so ever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed Down, and we shall raise Him up blind on the Day of judgment" (The Holy Qur'an20/124).

"And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited The Sings of his Lord, And who then turns away There from? Verily from those who transgress we shall exact ( Due) Retribution.

The Prophet has said that the life that does not cope or adjust with Qur'an is very pureless and dangerous

Holy Qur'an is the ideal of excellent and superb loveliness. Graceful faith, smart activities , good characters are what the Holy Qur'an wants from people. Good rewards the most lovely heaven that is what the Qur'an promises. Look at a few examples of lovely messages which are highlighted by the Qur'an.

Beauty of truth

"But Allah has endeared The Faith to you, and Has made it beautiful in your hearts". ( The Holy Qu-ran 49/7)

Loveliness of Duties

"Good is (the reward) For those who do good in this world" (The Holy Qur'an 39/10). "For those who believe And work righteousness, Is (every) blessedness, And a beautiful place of (final) return" (The Holy Qur'an 13/29). In the perspective of the Qur'an, life itself is a beautiful experiment.

"Blessed be He in whose hands is Dominion; And He over all things Hath power; He who created Death and Life , that He may try which of you is best in deed"(The Holy Qu-ran67/1,2). To copy the loveliness of Islam and Qur'an into ones personality and soat is the most sacred beauty. Absorbe it, proud of it and stand for it. "Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) To Allah, works righteousness, And says , "I am of those who bow in Islam"? (The Holy Qur'an 41/33)

There are fake beauties that conceal and destroy the real beauty. One should be careful for not to be cheated by it. The Qu-ran awakes those who are sleeping being intoxicated in the fake beauty of this mortal world. The Qu-ran also exhorts the people to think awake with stead fastness to overcome devilish beauty that disrupts real beauty. "Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: Women and sons: Heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses Branded (for blood and excellence); And (wealth of) cattle And well-tilled land. Such are the possessions of this world's life; But with Allah is the best of the goals (To return to) (The Holy Qur'an 3/14).

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