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Sunday 12 October 2014

The Religion entitled to be survived

Even though there are many religions in the world, Islam only deserves to be survived up to the end of the universe. It is because of the fact that Islam's prophet is the last prophet (Khatimunnabiyyeen). That means there is no need of a prophet after him.
On the basis of the above mentioned fact, if we examine any religion in the world, we will come to know that only Islam has the right to survive. This is because of the fact that their scriptures and life history of their prophets have not been kept protected. Intellectuals and great thinkers have emphasized this fact. Moreover even the enemies of Islam have admitted this matter. For example if we analyze Qur'an and Bible, we will understand this matter. The present Bible (both Thora and Injeel) is not the words revealed upon Prophet Moosa or Prophet Isa, or is it the
books authored by those prophets or by their contemporaries. The biographies of those prophets were written by someone many years after their death, and also it is not clear whether they were written based on the reports of anyone. The spoke-persons of those religions themselves have admitted that fact. Precisely speaking, Bible doesn't have the authenticity or status of Quran or Hadith. Instead it has the status of some mythologies or fabricated stories. In short the original form of Thorah or Injeel is not available today. Moreover the enumerate Bible is a bundle of contradictions. The words of Bible itself do underline this truth. For instance let's read the fifth book of Moses "Deuteronomy" 34:5 onwards: " So Moses the servant of Lord died there in the land of Moab, according the word of the Lord. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth Peor, but no one knows his grave to this day. When Moses died, he was 120 years old." Look! These are the words taken from the present Bible. How the death of Moses can be mentioned in this book? Actually who wrote these things? Is it Prophet Moses, who died at Movab? So it is obvious that this book was written after many ages from the death of Moses that nobody then was able to locate, the exact place of his grave. In other words, the present Thorah is written and prepared by someone centuries after the real Thorah, revealed to Prophet Moses from Allah, was lost and forgotten by all. The address of its authors is not known even to the Christians or Jews of today.

Let's see another example. " But since then there has not arisen in Israel a Prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, in all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, before Pharaoh, before all his servants, and in all his land"( Deuteronomy 34:10, 11). How can prophet Moses write that a prophet just like Moses didn't come after him? It is not at all possible. In short the Thourath, which is existing today is not familiar to prophet Moosa. The state of Injeel is also the same. There are many evidences for that. For example, the history of prophet Isa being laid on the stone grave after having been crucified, can be seen in the existing Injeel. How does prophet Isa write this history of his crucifixion? "Injeel says: "Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. when they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers sayings "Tell them, His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept". So they took the money and did as they were instructed; and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day" (Mathew 2:11-15).

The words "this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day" show that this book was written years after the death of Prophet Jesus. A news had spread among the Jews about the disappearance of the corpse of Prophet Isa from the stone grave after his crucification. The news was that while the guards were sleeping, his disciples stole away the corpse. How can such a news be present in the divine book revealed to Prophet Isa from Allah. It is not at all possible. So it is clear that the present Injeel was written after the loss of the original Injeel and that Prophet Isa has no idea about it. It can be read again at the end of Injeel, "This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true."(John 21:24). The words "We know that his testimony is true" emphasize that the "we" have written this Injeel. These are taken from the different varieties of Injeels approved by the Christian world.

An anatomy of Holy Qur'an and the holy books of other religions also will underline the same fact. Sankaracharyar, himself has admitted that the divine scriptures of Hindus were lost with the fall of the civilization of Sindhu and Harappa and that the Hindu saints regained the Vedas after long meditation. Kesari A Baalakrishna Pillai says that we have got only some parts of Adharwa Veda. In short, all other religions except Islam, have no basic divine document. As a result those religions do not have the right to survive till the day of judgment. Islam is entirely different. Its holy book didn't undergo any change or defeat. It is the words of Allah, the Almighty. The words or deeds of the prophet Mohammed (PBH) or his followers are not added to it. Even Prophets' own words are not seen in it. The Prophet himself has made his followers write the Qur'an in order not to meet any fault in it-in the future. Even the enemies of Qur'an have admitted this fact. Apart from keeping it written Prophet (PBH) and his followers kept it memorized to ensure its protection. Even today many people keep the Qur'an memorized. This kind of a protective wall cannot be seen in the case of other divine books.

Some fundamental matters are indispensable for any religion to survive till the end of the world, such as the existence of the complete history of the prophet including his words, deeds and teachings, having solution in the divine books for all the problems of the human life, giving clear and definite explanation about Allah and the hereafter life etc. These attributes cannot be seen to any religion except Islam. That is why we say that only Islam has the right to survive till the day of judgment. Why the holy books and biography of the prophets of other religions have some defects? Is it because of the failure of the prophets? Definitely not. Allah has given such a temporary status to their organizations and propagation. They were purely transient. Allah, the Almighty decided to change the laws in accordance with the standard of man in each epochs, not basically. It was to centuries which are at the peak of the intellectual advancement of man, that Allah sent our prophet Mohammed (PBH). Allah, decided to perfect Islam through our prophet. It was his intention to remain it practicable and new for all ages. Consequently his biography was kept protected without any defect. The Qur'an which was revealed to him remained unchanged. The mistake happened to Jews and Christians is that they stuck to the old laws and principles without getting ready to embrance the new religion.

Christians admit that Jews went astray because they didn't believe in Jesus. Actually Christians also derailed due to the same reason as they didn't believe in the prophet who came after Jesus. Hindus and others also did the same mistake. They didn't believe in the last prophet. Moreover their religions were not kept protected without any alteration. The Qur'an undoubtedly proclaims that Islam is the only religion accepted by Allah, the Almighty. It is not possible to interpret it wrongly.

The prophet Muhammad (PBH) submitted the actual figure of Islam with only twenty three years. Islam put forward not only the principles, but the practical shape also. The prophet displayed his followers as models of real religion by Islamizing them completely from hair to toe. Otherwise the religions principles won't have eternal survival. The principle will be misread in accordance with the desires, interest group will rise to occasion. Experiences and permanent ways of actions cannot be misread in such a way.

This is why it took twenty three years to perfect Islam through the Holy Qur'an and showed a way of practicing it. There was nothing un-Islamic in the followers of our Prophet. Quran has proclaimed in more than one place that they are the best models of Islam. It was in the same manner that they were introduced in the prophecies made by the earlier prophets. Torah says: He came from the presence of thousands of blessed ones. He had a fire-like Scripture in his right hand. Yes; He loves the people. All his blessed ones are sitting in the holy hand 33/2,3).

After the demise of the prophet, the four holy Caliphs handled the Islamic regime with almost honesty. Nobody in the world has questioned their honesty so far. There was a very large empire under their dominance. There was nothing un- Islamic in that Islamic empire. The judges and rules implemented at that time were only Islamic principles. Thousands of scholars and millions of followers were alive at that time. It is not possible to understand Islamic Sharia (laws) without analyzing the stand taken by those rulers and judges on Islamic Sharia. The laws prevailing at that time are the real Islamic laws. If anybody brings an argument unfamiliar to the ages of Prophet(PBH) or four rightly guided caliphs, it should be rejected as it is out of circle of Islamic Sharia.

The great Imams are the scholars who collected the judgments and decisions at the ages of the rightly-guided caliphs. After collecting them they scrutinized and recorded them. Imam Malik (R) collected and recorded the judgments of the judges sitting at the holy city of Madina, the then headquarters of Islamic empire. Imam Abu Haneefa (R) traveled in Bagdad and Damascus and meeting with the judges of those princes he recorded the laws of Islamic Sharia after a thorough and in depth study. Imam Shafi(R), after traveling and residing at various centers like Bagdad, Makkah, Madina, Egypt etc, consolidated the judicial procedures and Islamic legal measures prevailing in those centers based on his minute observation.

Imam Shafi (R) has made a comprehensive study of the collections of Imam Malik (R) and Imam Abu Haneefa (R). Imam Ahmad, who was a disciple of Imam Shafi (R), has imbibed the knowledge of all the three above mentioned scholars after learning all their collections. All these great Imams had recorded the words and deeds of the prophet. After the era of the rightly-guided caliphs Islamic empire was ruled by Umayyads, Abbasids and Turks, who followed the same, above mentioned Islamic sharia to a great extent in their administration. There was no change in the Islamic Sharia according to the change of the rulers traditionally. Muslim world followed the principles and laws of the ancient Muslims of the best ages. Nobody could alter these principles and laws but, it will withstand all the stresses and strains of the span of time.

In Islam, there is no room for the misinterpretation of the Qur'an, Hadith or other Islamic principles. For example, matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance etc have occurred thousands of times during the time of the Prophet and his followers. What stand they had taken in those occasions is the actual Islamic laws. It is not possible to misread or misinterpret the Qur'an or Hadith against those principles. Islam has such a foundation based on the experiences and activities. We cannot see this kind of a foundation or basic document in any religion other than Islam.

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